here's my doodle on how my family area has changed over the years.
it started off with just a window with a couple of rattan seats from IKEA, a coffee table from MOTTO and an overhang lamp.
click here for 2011 christmas look!
then 3 years later, we had Jules so our study table upstairs shifted down to make way for a cot and diaper changing station.
The following month, we draped our study table over with an IKEA shower curtain and transform it to a party counter for Jules' baby shower and hanged a bunting over it with paper poms poms strung on the overhang lamp with tears as "showers". click here
now, 2013 - another new beginning where Jules started crawling and soon walking, so the study table is gone, a transitional area sits - a playmat and toys.
click here during our sale of our study table before and after.
when i have time i shall compile the past photos and put them side by side...think it will be so fun to see the changes over time.