My Shoes and Bag closet has been a mess lately and I've been meaning to buy a hanger rail to hang my bags neatly behind the doors. So when a visit to IKEA lately, I saw this really cheap hanger rail at the bathroom department going for $5.90 a piece, I grabbed 2!
And this is how i organised my bags!
They used to be hung from just one hook right at the top which is ...
1) too high up for a short girl like me to reach
2) very messy and difficult to get my bags as I have to remove one by one
3) i get a neck ache after every reach
4) quite frustrating if you ask me
Here's a close up on the hanger rail!
forgot to take the other side of the door which hangs the whole family's caps neatly in a row. sigh. will show you all one day.
ps: here's the other photo of the other door I was talking about!