here's an interesting piece of furniture which was customed made - a moving bar counter. Yep. And it has to house a printer inside too. Hubs and Jules pushed it to one of the walls to make space for me to take photos of the living. But I ended up pushing it everywhere in the living and dining area to test its different configurations!
Here's how it looks when it's tuck against the brick wall and the sofa is supposedly to be hidden away behind this bar counter. This is the original intention where the hubs will sit here to work and watch telly at the same time.
Here's how it looks when its tucked beside the tv console
That's Jules helping to move the bar counter
here's how it looks with the doors open - storage area for printer
Jules checking out the tv console
And another way of looking at the bar counter when it's tuck beside the shoe cabinet.
I think the original position is the best, plus we have left a powerpoint there for the laptop and printer to be charged up. I guess the only reason for moving the bar counter is when the couple has loads of people in the flat where they will need to move the bar counter to the master room.
Although on second thoughts, it would be also very useful for the visitors to sit around and chit chat at the bar counter and watch telly at the same time. ok...i think i shall leave it for the couple to think how they want to use their space....